Karolyn McPherson

Karolyn McPherson

As a child, encouraged by my Dad, I’d collect stones from the beach. I was drawn to the feel of the stones and found them comforting to hold.
It wasn’t until many years later that I realised the stones are natural quartz, granite and pyrite crystals. My garden remains adorned with many of these stones to this day.

I have always been drawn to the energy and warmth of crystals. I choose my outfits to fit around the colour of the stones rather than the other way about.

My fascination and passion for crystals has increased over the years. I’ve been using them for myself and with family but wanted to share their energy by helping others. This led me to undertake a crystal treatment and chakra balancing course and then go on to qualify in crystal Reiki.

In my chosen profession as a Sonographer I work with the magic of crystals on a daily basis. It is piezo electric crystals which allow the ultrasound images to be produced.

My journey with Reiki began more than 25 years ago when a friend’s mother offered me a treatment to help with shoulder pain. I hadn’t heard of Reiki and confess to being extremely sceptical. However, I was surprised at how the pain eased and found that I felt more relaxed and slept well afterwards.

It wasn’t until several years later that I took the opportunity to do Reiki Level 1 for myself. Although I didn’t fully understand and couldn’t rationalise it, I was amazed at how different I felt.

After being attuned to Reiki master / teacher level I have practised Reiki on friends, family and animals. It’s a joy being able to share with and teach others in this beautiful, beneficial healing technique.