From summer 2022- end November 2022 I have helped everyone who have reached out fulfil their dream in becoming a specialist therapist to never turn anyone away and help more people.

Maureen Bonner overcoming obstacles of terminal illness to fulfil her mission to teach others! Ironically she’s spent the past 20 years of her career, researching and providing treatments to those with cancer and life-limiting conditions and complex health needs, resulting in START with touch Oncology massage level 3 vocational training becoming a recognised…

6 things you must do to guarantee more loyal clients and plan for Christmas offers
You are not in the business of commodities, you don’t have to follow the trends that big consumers put on their products, you are a service based business. Do you see joiners, bricklayers, private healthcare professionals put a discount on…

Maureen Bonner – My life in the therapy industry- Part 1
Why I’m happy to share some really personal stuff with you! Life is a journey as you may well know too well, it’s the challenges, peaks and troughs that mould us.It’s when you triumph over adversity, through all the obstacles…

Just how rewarding is it being a massage therapist?
Massage therapists are found all over the world. The vast majority of massage therapists are well-trained people who simply love what they do knowing they are helping others. Anyone who has had massage therapy for any reason will vouch that…

Why massage therapists don’t take their own advice!
It has always been the duty of a massage therapist to give and advise massage treatments to their clients whenever they need it, but us, as therapists can also benefit from receiving treatment from other therapists. As massage therapist, we…

Why is it difficult to get a massage when you have cancer?
You need never turn these clients away! I hear it all too often that the majority of those who have been diagnosed with cancer usually face the struggles of finding a trained therapist that will help them to receive a…